Mint Nice Cream with Cacao Nibs and Sea Salt



Mint Nice Cream with Cacao Nibs and Sea Salt

3 bananas, sliced + frozen

1 zucchini, sliced + frozen

1/4 c cacao nibs, unsweetened

2 drops peppermint oil, food grade

1/8 tsp salt

to serve: pinch of flakey sea salt


In a food processor, blend the banana and zucchini until smooth ~ about 3-5 minutes. You shouldn’t need any milk, just patience for it to come together so trust the process! But if you really need it after it’s been processing a while, add a splash.

Next add the cacao nibs, TWO drops peppermint oil * and salt, then process just long enough to combine. 

Serve and top with a pinch of flakey sea salt and more cacao nibs if that sounds lovely to you!

* NOTE: highly suggest dropping your oil into a spoon first because oil can come out quickly, and then you’ll have a REALLY minty ice cream that’s basically inedible. This happened to me the first time and wholly moly that was one therapeutic dose of peppermint oil! Please imagine the face my husband made when I served it to him.


I’m not a big fan of leftover nice cream. I like it straight from the food process or not at all. So what I do with leftovers is put them in an ice cube tray, and freeze them to be later used in a smoothie.

In this smoothie I add cashew milk, spinach, cacao powder, and collagen for a minty chocolate shake with protein.

I haven’t done this but it would probably work really well >> pour leftovers into popsicle trays.
