Cinnamon Nut Butter



Cinnamon Nut Butter

2 c Almonds, raw

1 c Brazil nuts, raw

1 c Cashews, raw

1/2 tsp Pink Himalayan salt

1.5 tbs Ceylon Cinnamon


Blend in a food processor until combined, scraping down the sides as necessary. It will go through several stages – for a while you may think this can’t possibly work but it’ll get there. First you will see an almond meal like texture, then something similar to a dough ball, and just as you become even more worried you’ll see the butteriness come through as promised. Process until silky smooth – don’t be hasty and stop when it’s nearly there. If you like a crunchy nut butter, add in a handful off nuts at the end and process enough to break the nuts into small pieces – this way you get the creaminess of the nut butter, with the added handful of crunchy nuts.

Note: Do not add water, ever. Water and oil are a complete disaster. If you are using quality nuts you shouldn’t have to use anything to thin the butter, but if you must add something, add a nut oil like walnut oil. I tend to avoid nut oils however because the oils are very sensitive once they are out of their whole form and become rancid easily.

Storing: I using 8 oz mason jars and keep all of them in the fridge except the current jar I’m working through, which I keep on the counter because it’s far creamier at room temperature. Chances are you will go through it fairly quickly and wont have to worry about it going rancid. If you’re a really slow nut butter eater, I’ll assume were not friends and suggest you keep it in the fridge. Xo


Ceylon Cinnamon is rich in manganese and contains essential oils from the cinnamon bark. It has antioxidant properties and is anti-anti- inflammatory, anti-diabetic, anti-microbial boosts the immune system. It especially know for balancing blood sugar and helping improve insulin resistance. Ceylon Cinnamon is sweeter and softer in flavor than regular cinnamon (cassia cinnamon). Cassia cinnamon can be toxic in large amounts due to the high amount of coumarin, a chemical that is known to cause damage to the liver and kidneys and may also be a carcinogenic.

Brazil Nuts are the richest food source of selenium, a powerful antioxidant and vital nutrient to the body. Selenium supports thyroid function, heart health, has anti-cancer properties and also helps reduce allergies and inflammation. Typically just 2 nuts per day is enough to meet nutritional requirements. Brazil nuts also contain chromium and healthy polyunsaturated fats. Healthy fats fuel the brain, stave off hunger, and help balance blood sugar. Healthy fats also slow the digestion of carbohydrates, so if you eat nut butter on toast for example, blood sugar will not spike the same way it would if you ate toast plain. While worthwhile information, that is not a pass to go at it with high glycemic foods (;

Lindsey Millen