Superfood Trail Mix


One of the greatest hacks for feeling well is to keep blood sugar balanced, and that requires having the perfect snack on hand so you’re never caught in a blood sugar crash. Here we have two of my favorite superfood trail mixes, rich in vitamins and minerals, antioxidant rich and ultra energizing.

Stash a jar in your bag, lunch, in your desk, wherever you might find yourself in need of a snack. Happy blood sugar balancing !



Golden Berry Trail Mix

1 c golden berries

1/2 c sprouted pumpkin seeds

1/2 c sprouted sunflower seeds

1/2 c sprouted watermelon seeds

1/2 c sprouted almonds

Chocolate Goji Berry Trail Mix

1 c goji berries

1/2 c sprouted pumpkin seeds

1/2 c sprouted sunflower seeds

1/2 c sprouted watermelon seeds

2/3 c chocolate, I use Hu Gems

*I use a this raw seed mix


Mix each trail mix in a bowl and store in a large mason jar in the fridge so the seeds stays fresh.

From the large jar you can make individual jars to take with you and pack into lunches. I use little mason jars or leftover yogurt jars.
